
We welcome reviews and feedback from those who’ve used The NEXT STEP CLINIC. Please feel free to email us direct to tell us about your experience.

“As a serious runner, enjoyment and the condition of my feet are inextricably linked and my regular appointments with Charlie have ensured that I can run in comfort at all times.”
Mr. Nicholas BROOKE, GBS, JP

“Thank you for taking such good care of me and your many other patients. It is great to be able to run without any pain. Fizzing to get back into marathon”
“感謝您如此照顧我和您的許多其他患者 , 可以無憂無慮地跑步不再感到痛楚的感覺太好 ; 期待重返馬拉松賽跑
Mark Robinson Marathons runner
Mark Robinson 馬拉松賽跑選手

“Charlie has been helping me with foot issues for a couple of years.  I’m a runner, so experience a number of problems. He has been extremely helpful in suggesting options, exercises, and input on the type of shoes I should and should not wear.

He takes the time to really understand the situation and ensure he is providing practical solutions.  I recommend him to all my friends who are experiencing any type of foot pain.”

Ms. Carole Lewis : Professional Certified Coach -International Coach Federation

My experience with Next step medical has been so awesome! Mr. Law is my physiotherapist and he helped me so much with my vertigo. He was very informative, and he would always educate me about my condition, what to do for home care, and always makes sure I follow up with it.


Hilary S
Prior to the operation in August, I was completely at the end of my tether with the constant pain in my right foot which made walking and, generally, any daily activity extremely painful and difficult. I now have a pain-free right foot which now looks like a normal foot. Thank you so much for all you have done for me for which I will be eternally grateful.


Bradden H
I have so many good things to say about Charlie Lau. Right from the beginning, I could tell he is very passionate about the work he does. Your professionalism and thoroughness are rare in today’s service world! I appreciate all you do. Keep up the good work & I’ll refer my friends with foot issues to you!


Dilan Jivan
不知為何膝蓋內側日夜都有種像是被抽住的痛楚感覺, 看過西醫, 鐵打都沒用, 經朋友介紹來看, 方知一路當是膝痛來處理其實問題出在腰部, 但這療程還真漫長, 開頭數周進度緩慢, 所幸是經過數月治療, 這種痛終於離我而去.


Thank you for all you have done for my feet. At present they are in great shape, thanks to my husband, no problems, everything is healed. If problems do occur that we can’t handle, be assured we shall be there at your office for help.


Emma H
Charlie is an excellent podiatrist. He’s not only skilled and smart, but also very gentle and went beyond the call of duty to help me when I came out of quarantine. I highly recommend him.


Kate W
Mr. Law has been treating my husband for a few years now and saw major improvements, my husband used to get really bad shoulder pain and after 2 visits has already shown so much improvement.


Giampaolo B


Anges So 小姐


Mr. Cheng
「在過去的 5 年裡,我的足病診療師Charlie對我的親切關懷和關注一直給我留下了深刻的印象。 當我離開診所時,我的腳部總是感覺良好




Nicki Ho 何先生
這是我第一次到訪 The Next Step,如有需要,我會再次回訪他們。」 優秀的團隊!!湯醫生的質素非常好


「我接受治療的過程非常專業,JEFF十分詳細地向我解釋診斷結果。 而治療後的運動和伸展練習似乎也很有效。」


It is great to be able to walk without any pain. Wow! You did a great job, Dr. Tong also, all of your assistants are very good and so friendly!


Sunny Cheung
已經不覺得自己有這個痛症, Thank you Mr. JEFF LAW


Kit Lee
I highly recommend Next step medical, they did an amazing job.


Ashley Nip
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for doing such a wonderful job.


Jacky Liu
Thanks for taking good care of Joe and me.


Rebecca S